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The Best Celebrity Hair Transplant Results


Updated: Oct 23, 2022

More than you might think, celebrities have received hair transplant surgeries to maintain a youthful appearance. As technology has improved, more and more public figures are choosing to have the treatment. With an increasing number of celebrities speaking out about their own experiences with this cosmetic procedure, stigmas surrounding it seem to be disappearing.

But, what are some of the celebrity hair transplant cases, and why is this technique becoming increasingly popular among Hollywood stars? The popularity of hair transplants has exploded over the last few years, and we've selected examples to demonstrate the latest treatments.

1. John Travolta Hair Transplant

Hollywood icon John Travolta underwent a noticeable transformation when he decided to have a hair transplant. Suffering from thinning hair for years, he tried several different treatment options before deciding on surgery as the most permanent solution. The treatment completely transformed his looks, restoring the almost completely bald area on the top of his head with a batch of newly transplanted follicles. It's extremely likely that Travolta chose to have his hair transplant performed using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

2. Wayne Rooney Hair Transplant

Arguably the most well-known celebrity hair transplant case is that of former Manchester United star Wayne Rooney. England's all-time leading goal scorer openly and honestly shared that he underwent a hair transplant in 2011 when he went bald at the early age of his twenties. The treatment worked well in restoring the thickness of the hair on the top of his head, and two years later, he underwent a second transplant to increase the density further. Rooney was painfully open about the self-esteem issues that his balding follicles were causing and couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome of their treatments. It's clear that Wayne Rooney chose to have his hair transplant performed using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

3. Elton John Hair Transplant

Elton John, like Wayne Rooney, has spoken about the experience of hair transplant surgery. The artist has been suffering from balding since the early 70s and has told with great honesty about how it made him feel like less of a man. His vulnerability around his experiences of losing hair and undergoing treatment kick-started the celebrity hair transplant movement. Two transplantations later and Elton John boasts a full head of hair despite being well into his 70s. It's evident that Elton John chose to have his hair transplant performed using Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

4. Calum Best Hair Transplant

Celebrity Big Brother star Calum Best revealed that he underwent hair transplant surgery to boost his self-esteem. Best explained that he had been losing hair since his youth and that the progression of male pattern baldness was slowing down. After being unhappy with the progression of his hair loss, he underwent a FUE hair transplant in England to combat it. Follicular units were extracted from the donor area on the back of his head and transplanted to the front to create a new hairline. Initially, Best thought his hair restoration surgery would not be successful and was worried about going bald. However, he soon found success with the procedure, and it alleviated some of his anxiety. It’s evident that Calum Best underwent Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

5. Jimmy Carr Hair Transplant

The other celebrity hair transplant case is comedian Jimmy Carr, who is notorious. Carr didn't hesitate to share that he had the procedure live on air, similar to how Wayne Rooney shared his story. Carr, who's famous for his comedy and has made many controversial comments, explained that he decided to have a hair transplant to tackle his receding hairline. The procedure was a success, so Carr now has a new low hairline to match his usual thick head of hair. It's clear that Jimmy Carr opted to have his hair transplant performed using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

6. Joe Swash Hair Transplant

Joe Swash, a former East Enders star, ended an ongoing saga about his hair when he revealed that he had secretly undergone a hair transplant early in his career. He explained that he was concerned about being open with his decision to have the therapy due to its stigma. However, as more and more celebrities began to open up about their hair transplant experiences, Swash discussed his transplant publicly. It explained that it had been something personal to him that he chose to do to make himself feel better. It’s believed that Joe Swash underwent Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

7. James Nesbitt Hair Transplant

One of the most prominent voices among celebrity hair transplant cases has been James Nesbitt, star of Cold Feet. He described how he became preoccupied with his progressively worsening hair thinning. After undergoing two consecutive transplants, Nesbitt feels "a lot better" and says the treatment has changed his life. He underwent a hair restoration procedure in Ireland by resetting balding areas on top of his head. It’s thought Nesbitt underwent Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

8. Stephanie Davis Hair Transplant

Famous hair transplant patients extend beyond men. Stephanie Davis shared on Hollyoaks that she underwent a procedure for hair restoration surgery to lower her hairline. After suffering from years of bullying at school because of the size of her forehead — and noticing that her hair was becoming increasingly thin — Davis decided that it was time to undergo a transplant. Speaking to the Sun, she encouraged more women to take the step, explaining that "Hair transplant surgery isn't just for men, women can also have it, and it can make a huge difference if done by a good surgeon." Six months after her treatment, Davis revealed that she was delighted with the early results after undertaking Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

9. Elon Musk Hair Transplant

One of the most recent cases of public hair transplant is tech tycoon Elon Musk. While he is typically known for his charm and charisma, looking back at old photos clearly shows that Musk was suffering from rapid hair loss on the top of his head, as well as a receding hairline. The man's hair has grown in amazingly well, with the top and frontal parts of his head now restored to their original density. It’s clear that Elon Musk took Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

10. Gordon Ramsey Hair Transplant

The famously shouty chef Gordon Ramsay has been in the spotlight for decades, and his trademark look of a lush, full head of hair has always helped distinguish him from other chefs. Yet as celebrities go, Ramsey was ousted when he was spotted leaving a Beverly Hills hair transplant center wearing a hat that shielded his head. Typically, allergic reactions to anesthesia give away the secret of a hair transplant. However, Gordon's response was unusual, and his hair looked better than ever. For a man in his middle age, his locks aren't showing any signs of going away. It's evident that Gordon Ramsey decided to have Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant technique.

11. Jason Donovan Hair Transplant

This Australian actor, best known for his time on the soap opera Neighbours and his romance with co-star Kylie Minogue, discussed openly during an interview with Piers Morgan how he had lost hair and subsequently underwent a hair transplant. When his most recent television gig was as a celebrity on the British program Strictly Come Dancing, he revealed that the transplant had been successful and "he's delighted with the results.” He also stated that he felt more comfortable with his hair because he was working in the public eye than when he was bald. This is so easy and makes sense!

Hundreds of famous men have shared their experiences with hair loss and the ways they care. People who have undergone hair transplants, like those above, often get a completely bald look. Hair transplants can boost confidence, make you feel and look younger, and transform the way you look – witness how well these celebrities have done for themselves. It is clear that Jason Donovan chose to take the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure.

12. Jake Quickenden Hair Transplant

Former TV star Jake Quickenden may have looked like he didn't care about anything during his time on shows such as I'm a Celebrity, X-Factor, and Hollyoaks. However, while his relaxed demeanor showed no signs of worry and his receding hairline seemed to be a thing of the past, the truth was that he had been quite worried for some time.

This worrying all came to an end when he had a hair transplant in 2017. Discussing his reasons for the procedure during an online post, the star affirmed: "I've sorted my hairline out after years of insecurities; people might say your hair was fine and didn't need it. After years of being worried about losing my hair, I finally did something about it!” It's seems that Jake Quickenden underwent Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure.

13. Antonio Conte

Not only did the very well-known football player Antonio Conte opt for a hair transplant, but he did it to combat his receding hairline. Antonio Conte discusses the effects of his hair transplant procedure, where he talks about how a hair transplant changed his life. Conte’s transplants may have been performed using the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) technique.

14. Lewis Hamilton Hair Transplant

Formula One racing driver Lewis Hamilton has had difficulties with hair loss. He spoke about it on multiple occasions, typically shifting the blame onto lack of care and hotel shampoo.

While Lewis Hamilton was never able to come through with his promise of reversing hair loss, many doctors have stated that no treatment can bring back the hair to such an extreme. The only magical makeover that can transform his locks is a hair transplant. It’s likely that Lewis Hamilton hair transplant involved Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) treatment.

15. Rob Brydon Hair Transplant

The Welsh comedian has never openly discussed his hair loss. Although pictures show the difference, we don’t have any confessions from Rob Brydon. But he left subtle messages for someone who would eventually read them and could not identify the reason why his head was feeling warm. It is evident that Brydon chose the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) transplant procedure as his results are very high quality, natural, and blended with his hair.

16. Steve Carell Hair Transplant

The American movie and TV star have appeared in several memorable films and shows. This is why it was easy for fans to catch these celebrity hair transplants. He has been presenting in the industry for many years, and people were starting to notice changes in his appearance. That Carell had a noticeable difference in his hair was evident. For example, many noticed that Steve was balding in the first season of The Office. The exemplary star never confirmed the rumors, but likewise, such an extreme change is only possible with some hair transplant. It is clear that Steve Carell chose the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) transplant procedure.

17. Jon Cryer Hair Transplant

The American actor spoke out about his hair transplant in 2013. He commented on the transformation of his appearance, saying, "This is what many talented professionals made possible with less than four hairs. I am not wearing a piece of clothing as such, but the process begins with things like shoe polish." It's likely that Jon Cryer decided to have his hair transplant done using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure.

18. Jamie Foxx Hair Transplant

His hairline no longer has a bald spot after he got his first transplant.

Jamie Foxx's transformation from thinning the crown to full-fringed head is nothing short of miraculous, and the change could only be attributed to one thing: Hair transplants! It is clear that Jamie Foxx chose to take the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure.

The Increasing Popularity of Celebrity Hair Transplants

There has been a sharp increase in the number of celebrities that have received hair transplants. While once something that was always kept secret, undergoing a hair transplant doesn't carry the same stigma as it once did. Celebrities have persuaded people to try the treatment because they are open and honest about their personal experiences. Few people are unaware of the popularity this treatment has among stars and celebrities. As part of our appearance, we can't hide balding spots and receding hairlines, let alone the sudden reappearance of newly transplanted hair. However, due to the increased transparency of celebrities around this procedure, many others have overcome their insecurities and rediscover their self-confidence.

Celebrity Hair Transplants Takeaway

Even though celebrity hair transplants are a controversial topic, some well-known figures felt more confident in opening up about their hair transplant experiences. If you want to take anything from celebrity hair transplants, it should be that you should go after what makes you happy. Most of these celebrities were uncomfortable with their looks because they experienced hair loss. But a little boost of confidence never hurts to feel that you have no regrets. To emulate these celebrity hair transplants with Luviacure hair transplant in Turkey, contact us.


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