Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a bariatric operation. It removes a substantial portion of your stomach to create a narrow "sleeve." Reducing your stomach size helps you lose weight and decrease hunger signals. This procedure is used to assist patients with severely obese obesity who are not responding to other treatments.
What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The gastric sleeve, also known as the sleeve gastrectomy, is a bariatric surgery procedure that aims to reduce weight. It works by reducing the size of your stomach. The phrase "gastrectomy" refers to the surgical removal of part or all of your stomach. The gastric sleeve operation removes approximately 80% of your stomach, leaving behind a tubular "sleeve" about the size and shape of a banana.
What Does A Gastric Sleeve Do?
Reducing the size of your stomach is a simple approach to limiting how much food you can consume at one time, resulting in a more satisfying sensation. It also has another function: it reduces the number of hunger hormones your stomach can generate. This aids in lowering your appetite and cravings and preventing weight regain from occurring due to emotional triggers.
How Common Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The gastric sleeve is one of the most popular weight loss operations in the United States and worldwide. The majority of bariatric operations done in the United States each year are sleeve gastrectomies. In the United States, about 150,000 gastric sleeve procedures are done each year, with 380,000 worldwide. However, only 1% of those who might benefit from it and fulfill eligibility requirements get it done.
What Medical Conditions Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Help Treat?
Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure for obesity and associated medical issues. It's only available to certified individuals with severe medical conditions linked to obesity or at significant risk of developing them. Gastric sleeve surgery may help relieve illnesses, including:
Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
Hypertension and hypertensive heart disease.
Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and arterial disease.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea.
Joint pain and osteoarthritis.
Is Gastric Sleeves in Turkey Safe?
The risks of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey are significantly lower than those of obesity and its disease. It also has a lower risk of complications than other common operations, such as gallbladder removal and hip replacement. Gastric sleeve operations are usually carried out using minimally invasive surgical techniques, which minimize the pain from incisions and speed up recovery time.
What Qualifies You For Gastric Sleeve Surgery Turkey?
To qualify, the general requirements are:
If you have severe obesity (class III), your BMI (body mass index) is determined by your weight and height and your particular health issues. Obesity in Class III is defined as having a BMI of 40 or more or a BMI of 35 with at least one disease.
You have tried but not succeeded in losing weight before surgery. Before your insurance company approves and covers your operation, you may be required to undergo a medically supervised weight loss program for up to three to six months.
That you are physically and mentally prepared for the surgery and recovery process. After you've completed your medical and mental evaluations, a team of dietitians, psychologists, and other medical specialists will meet with you to provide guidance and screening.
What Happens Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The next stage will be a two-week liquid diet if you've completed your health check and are qualified for bariatric sleeve surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with precise instructions. The goal is to lessen the amount of fat in your abdomen and liver so that the operation is safer.
If you have a planned C-section, your doctor will instruct you not to eat or drink for 12 hours before the operation. This is to make sure your stomach is empty during the procedure. Having food or liquid in your stomach when you undergo surgery can induce unpleasant or even life-threatening side effects.
How Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?
A sleeve gastrectomy is frequently done through laparoscopic or robotic surgery. Because your surgeon will make small incisions to access your organs instead of a large incision, you'll notice less pain and recover faster. However, some people may prefer open surgery, depending on their health and circumstances.
What Happens During Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Your surgeon will give you general anesthesia, so you'll be asleep throughout the operation.
Your surgeon will make a tiny incision (about 1/2 inch long) in your abdomen and insert a port. They'll pump carbon dioxide gas through the port to expand your stomach.
Then they'll insert a tiny lighted video camera (laparoscope) through the port. A screen will display your insides while they're being projected onto it.
Your surgeon will make several incisions and insert five ports through one to three additional incisions to complete the procedure.
Then, using a surgical stapler, they will divide and separate the rest of your stomach.
Your surgeon will remove the remainder of your stomach, then stitch up your cuts.
How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
Unlike other weight loss surgery procedures, a sleeve gastrectomy is quick and easy. It takes around 60 to 90 minutes. Your surgeon may recommend that you remain in the hospital for one to two days after the operation to assist manage your pain and any short-term surgical effects such as nausea.
What Happens After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
During the initial week, you'll have many appointments with your doctor. They'll keep track of how well you're doing in terms of weight reduction and any other health concerns linked to the surgery. They'll also inquire about whether or not you're eating properly and following all necessary lifestyle guidelines to maintain your health and weight loss.
Will I Have To Follow A Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
In the short term, you'll have to stick to a fairly rigorous diet for your stomach to mend properly. You will be able to eat more regularly after a few months, although you will still need to exercise caution when selecting what you eat. You won't be able to eat as much as before, so you'll need to ensure that whatever you consume is sufficient in terms of nutrition. Vitamins will be given shortly after surgery and should be taken indefinitely.
What Are The Advantages Of This Procedure?
The gastric sleeve is less complicated, quicker, and safer than other bariatric surgery operations. A gastric sleeve can often be tolerated by those with health issues that would make a longer operation difficult. Because the repair does not change your intestines, it is also far less likely to cause long-term nutrition-related problems.
While the average weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery is somewhat lower than other complex procedures, it still offers substantial health and weight-loss advantages. This operation began as the first step in a two-step bariatric procedure known as the duodenal switch. After numerous individuals discovered they didn't need to finish the second part, surgeons started offering it as a standalone operation.
What Are The Possible Risks Or Complications Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
There is always the possibility of complications with any operation. Sleeve gastrectomy has a very low risk of surgical problems, with less than 1% occurrences. Complications produced by surgery include:
Reactions to anesthesia.
Leaking from the staple line.
Some individuals who have recovered from surgery experience long-term problems due to the operation. When they occur, they are usually simple to address. They can include:
Scar tissue. After an operation, your stomach might be narrow due to the repairs. This can slow or obstruct food from traveling through your stomach, causing nausea, vomiting, and problems eating.
Nutritional deficiencies. When you eat a lot less, getting all your nutrients is more difficult. People who have bariatric surgery are prescribed lifelong nutritional supplements by their doctors.
Gastroesophageal reflux. Some people who had acid reflux before the surgery claim that it gets worse after the operation, while others who did not previously seem to acquire it. This is frequently relieved with medication.
Gallstones. People who lose weight rapidly are more likely to develop gallstones. It adds to the amount of fat your liver has to deal with, leading to cholesterol stones and stomach discomfort after eating. You may need a cholecystectomy or gallbladder removal surgery to address your situation.
What Is The Recovery Time From Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
You should take a month's vacation before attempting to act, feel, or return to full function. Many individuals report feeling weary or drained as their bodies work overtime while dieting. You'll be able to eat only liquids for the first few weeks. After some time, you'll move on to soft meals and eventually solid food.
How Much Weight Will You Lose With The Gastric Sleeve?
The percentage of body weight lost immediately following surgery is generally between 25% and 30%. That indicates if you weighed 300 pounds before surgery, you'd lose 100 pounds. Depending on your post-surgery lifestyle changes, you might shed more or less weight. Some people regain some weight over time, although the overall average weight loss of 25% to 300% of your body weight is consistent across five years.
What If It Doesn't Work?
Some people do recover the weight they've lost, albeit rarely. They might return to their old patterns, or their stomach may stretch with time. If you experience this, gastric sleeve revision surgery is an option. Your surgeon may convert the original gastric sleeve to a different type of weight reduction therapy that offers greater benefits, such as a gastric bypass or duodenal switch.
Get Gastric Sleeve Surgery From Luviacure Turkey
Gastric sleeve surgery is becoming more popular for those looking to lose weight and improve their health. Luviacure Turkey should be your top choice if you are considering this surgery. We offer excellent care and various package options to suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get started on your weight loss journey!