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Are Dental Implants Safe and Reliable?

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

Dental implants have been in use for more than 50 years. They're both safe and efficient. There are typically no difficulties in 95 % of cases, according to studies. Receiving implant treatment from an inexperienced or less well-trained provider and living a particular lifestyle or having certain health issues raises the danger of complications developing. If you want to avoid or manage any issues, selecting a knowledgeable and well-trained implant practitioner is essential. That's why I always advise patients to seek out top implant surgeons.

What Are Common Implant Complications?

Following dental implant surgery, a variety of issues can occur.

  • Gum recession – This can occur around an implant and lead to inflammation.

  • Loose implant – The bone is growing around an implant takes time, and implant fusion with the jawbone is essential. If the implant fails to integrate with the jawbone, your implant surgeon can remove the implant and attempt to place an implant again after a period of healing.

  • Nerve damage – Sometimes, a dental implant is too close to a nerve, causing long-term numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in the surrounding gum and skin.

  • Inflammation of sinus mucous membranes – This sinusitis can happen when an upper implant protrudes into the nasal cavity. Signs and symptoms are a sinus headache, toothache,/or facial swelling, and thick nasal mucus.

  • Infection of gum or bone – A bacterial infection in the gum may require antibiotics or a soft tissue graft. A bacterial infection in the bone may require removing the infected bone and possibly the implant, followed by a bone and soft tissue graft. As with other medical problems, early detection and treatment is key to antibiotic therapy resolving the infection before more extensive treatment is needed.

  • Damage to the implant – Excessive force can cause an implant to crack or become loose. For example, some people brux their teeth while sleeping. People who are prone to this behavior may need to wear a nightguard to prevent damage to the implant and their natural teeth.

What Raises the Risk of Implant Complications?

The following are the most frequent sources of implant surgery complications:

  • Smoking

  • Untreated tooth decay

  • Active periodontal disease

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • The patient's jawbone is not strong enough or thick enough to support the implant.

Reducing Risk and Increasing the Reliability of Implant Treatment

Frequently, implant surgery may be avoided by lowering risk factors. If you smoke, you can quit and have a thorough oral health checkup to ensure good oral health before getting implants. If you have tooth decay or gum disease, you can get treatment to cure them before receiving implant therapy. If you have diabetes, implant treatment may be attempted after your condition is under control. Implant surgery may often improve a small jawbone by transplanting bone cells from elsewhere in the body and then placing the implants after a period of healing.

Luviacure collaborates with expert implant surgeons to guarantee that risks are evaluated ahead of time so that high-risk factors may be reduced or eliminated. He refers to specialists who utilize CBCT 3D imaging to plan and direct implant placement, platelet-rich plasma therapy for faster healing, and IV sedation for patients who want this.

After the osseointegration and gum healing, Luviacure can continue with the restorative procedure, such as a crown or bridge. To minimize or eliminate the danger of excessive forces causing injury to the implant or prosthetic (crown or bridge supported by the implant), Luviacure is particular about his implant restorations' occlusal design. Occasionally, the crowns of other teeth will need to be changed to ensure that all teeth function in harmony and minimize excessive forces. Equilibration is a technique used to reduce excessive forces on the teeth by moving their occlusal tops. Because of these modifications, no tooth is harmed. Due to this therapy, all teeth are better protected against wear and tear.

A note about equilibration: Teeth wear down as a result of usage. Enamel fractures. Enamel deteriorates. As a result, most individuals require dental crowns on back teeth in their middle years and older. The absorption of enamel is aided by frequent soft or gentle tooth rubbing. When the occlusal pressure on a person's teeth is large, continual hard touching between them hastens wear. Equilibration is a treatment that benefits many of our patients by distributing biting and chewing forces across more teeth, reducing excessive strain on a few. The positive effects of applying a sealant to teeth extend beyond natural teeth and include dental implants and restorations.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Every individual has their own set of oral health problems. Most individuals who have missing teeth may be candidates for dental implants. Dentistry continues to make progress, and conditions that formerly limited treatment no longer hinder it. Working together, we may increase oral health to where implant success is certain. Give us a call for a thorough oral health assessment and implant consultation in Luviacure.

About Luviacure

Luviacure is dedicated to providing the highest-quality health and dental care in a warm, friendly, and secure environment. Our objective is to establish long-term connections with our clients and provide individualized and suitable services for each person. Patients feel as if we are old friends. We are specialists at assisting people in moving down the road to complete comfort and optimal dental health, function, and esthetics, regardless of whether they are in a good position or need help.


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