Luviacure Turkey provides excellent service and treatment by qualified doctors at internationally accredited hospitals in Turkey.
BBL Turkey
BBL is a procedure in which fat and, in some instances, layers of skin are removed from the bottom. The benefits of BBL Turkey include reducing persistent fat, sagging skin, and changing the form and size of your buttocks. The BBL surgery in Turkey is three steps away from you:
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Luviacure Turkey is here to assist you in receiving adequate BBL treatment.
What Is the Difference Between a Brazilian Butt Lift and a Traditional Butt Lift?
A butt lift or butt augmentation is a surgical technique that improves the form and volume of the buttocks. It is a modeling and sculpting procedure that can be done through one of the following techniques:
A Butt Implant is used to augment the appearance of an Excisional Butt Lift.
A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL surgery).
A Brazilian Butt Lift, on the other hand, employs the patient's natural fat to shape their buttocks. While a regular excisional Butt Lift entails removing silicone implants, a Brazilian Bum Lift does not. Some people prefer a classic excisional Butt Lift, while others want to enhance their buttocks with a Brazilian Bum Lift subtly.
What Is BBL?
A Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL) is a fat transfer procedure that involves removing fat from one body region and reinjecting it into another. Fat is typically taken from the patient's lower back, waist, or abdomen. A Brazilian Bum Lift does not use implants to create your new buttocks.
A Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey is so beneficial to people of all ages because it can reverse the effects of aging, giving you beautiful and natural-looking results while also enhancing the appearance of other areas of your body.
Methodology of BBL Turkey
1. Tumescent Liposuction
The doctor determines which areas of the patient's body are best suited for fat extraction in this first stage of the procedure. The fat is then removed using a thin tube connected to a powerful vacuum device that runs through tiny incisions. The incisions are so small that no scars are left.
2. Purification
The second stage is performed when the extracted liquid (a combination of blood, fat, and other bodily liquids) is preserved in a canister. The extracted liquid is then split into separate parts, with fat being separated and ready for grafting after sterilization.
3. Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer)
In the final stage, fat is injected into the gluteal region using minor cuts in the buttocks. Small incisions are made in the buttocks, and fat is grafted in layers to give a natural-looking result with beautiful volume and shape.
Who Is the Right Candidate for BBL in Turkey?
You are the right candidate for Brazilian Bum Lift surgery if you:
You must have enough fat in your body for extraction and transplantation.
You'll need an excellent medical history.
Want to increase the volume of your buttocks
Do you want a lower-waisted appearance on your body?
Want to modify and shape your body?
Interested in taking advantage of our great BBL Turkey pricing?
Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey Recovery
The use of the BBL pillow is the most challenging aspect of BBL recovery in Turkey. To get the most significant possible effects, you must employ it as frequently as feasible while sitting down to avoid any unnecessary pressure on your butt. When sleeping, instead of resting on your back, lay down on your belly and wear the pressure garment as much as possible.
It is worth noting that BBL surgery in Turkey has minimal pain and soreness due to painkillers and that these will rapidly go away. The evidence for this is that patients can return to work only one week after surgery.
Things to Consider After Your BBL
The cost of the Brazilian Butt Lift Turkey is around $14,500. The surgery generally lasts 4 to 6 months before symptoms of the procedure fade away.
After a BBL Turkey, the skin in the surgery area may appear glistening due to edema. After a few weeks, the edema will go away, leaving the skin back to its normal appearance.
You may feel a loss of feeling or numbness at the surgery site. This is entirely natural and might take several months to go away.
A tingly sensation in the surgical region is possible. This sensation, which occurs due to the nerves' mending and will go away within several months of your surgery, is due to anesthetic use.
How Much Is a BBL in Turkey?
The cost of the BBL procedure in Turkey is determined by several factors, including the patient's circumstances and demands. A medical consultation is required to obtain an accurate estimate of the BBL price in Turkey. Our surgeons will evaluate your case and provide you with a quotation within 24 hours. You may assume that the total cost of BBL treatment in Turkey is 50% less than in Europe, or even more, including airfare, hotel accommodation, transportation in Istanbul, hospital visits, and post-treatment services.
It may appear to be too good to be true. But it isn't. Because of the lower Turkish currency compared to the Euro, Pound, or Dollar relative price, the BBL Turkey price is low. Government subsidies for medical tourism, which have strategic national importance, further keep prices low. This also explains why lower costs do not equal a lesser quality service, as the BBL price in Turkey draws a more significant number of patients to Istanbul than any other Western nation. As a result, Turkish surgeons have considerably more professional expertise than their European counterparts.
The cost of the BBL in Turkey is far less expensive, and it is well worth the money. Rather than wondering how much a Turkey BBL procedure costs, one should consider how much their well-being is worth. To obtain an accurate and definitive idea of your BBL cost in Turkey, you can contact us for a free medical consultation.
Receive a free medical plan and discover all about BBL pricing in Turkey.
Brazilian Bum Lift Result
Several factors to consider when optimizing Brazilian Butt Lift outcomes in Turkey. The first is that you must pick the finest BBL surgeon in Turkey. This is correct because, with Luviacure Turkey surgeons, the BBL Turkey cost is still half of what you would pay for a typical European doctor. You can be treated in the most significant Turkish medical facilities, another essential factor ensuring optimum results.
The ability to remove fat effectively is crucial, as it determines the amount of fat that may be safely transplanted during BBL surgery. Results will vary depending on the patient's state before the operation, such as if there is enough fat available. If a patient is fragile, the surgeon may not be able to remove a quantity of fat large enough to provide the desired effects of our BBL Turkey before and after pictures.
The post-operative instructions also determine BBL surgery Turkey outcomes. If you want your Turkey BBL to be effective, your surgeon will give you a variety of exercises, eating habits, and medicines to adhere to.
Butt Enhancement Frequently Asked Questions
Will a Brazilian Butt Lift Turkey give a permanent result?
Yes, a Brazilian Butt Lift Turkey surgery may provide a long-lasting result. You will, however, need to maintain healthy body weight. Otherwise, your bodily appearance might alter. If you take care of it, your BBL cost in Turkey will be well worth it.
Is a Brazilian Butt Lift the only way to augment my butt?
Traditional implants or a BBL surgery in Turkey are the two approaches to improve your buttocks. The Brazilian method has a reduced infection risk and appears more natural for the same or a lesser price. A patient's complete appearance benefits from smoother tissue loss because the liposuction regions during a Turkey BBL are made leaner. A Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey can help you achieve the booty you've always desired, but it can also assist you in reducing unwanted fat.
How long before I return to my normal activities?
It might take days, weeks, or months to resume certain hobbies. Returning to a job that doesn't require constant sitting, for example, may be done in a few days. Activities like your regular exercise routine need to wait six weeks before resuming.
Will a Turkey BBL make my butt bigger?
A Brazilian Butt Lift Turkey is designed to raise and make your butt firmer, not to modify its size. It will seem more significant and better.
Is a Brazilian Butt Lift suitable for me?
Anyone with a reasonable amount of money and access to plastic surgery facilities in Turkey may have a BBL. While most Brazilian Butt Lifts are performed on women in Turkey, males can also get one. An affordable Brazil Butt Lift cost, it will make their bodies stronger.
What is the BBL Turkey price?
Because various patients may have different demands and different physicians and hospitals might result in a diverse BBL price in Turkey, there is no way to calculate the BBL cost without seeing a doctor first. As a result, do not hesitate to contact us to obtain your actual BBL price in Turkey.