Many hair transplant patients are concerned about how quickly their hair grows. Contrary to popular beliefs, hair transplant surgery isn't instantaneous. There's a specific pattern of development and a specified timetable that shows every solution to how quickly hair grows.
The recovery period, the fruits of the wait, is split into 12 months, with modest modifications gradually developing to the final image. The progress plan and the hair growth timeline following hair transplantation are made up of numerous irregular milestones that have a function in the cycle of development.
The project's success depends on a deep understanding and experience with the fundamentals of hair growth, which may help relieve your concerns about the process and assist in scheduling progress.
How Fast Does Hair Grow
How much does hair grow in a month?
The average rate of hair growth is around 1.3 cm (1/2 inch) each month. In a year, hair would reach an approximate length of 15 cm (6 inches). However, this isn't always the case. Because each person's hair growth cycle is different. Apart from genetics, hair growth is influenced by various things, including food and general health.
A person in excellent health engages in healthy eating habits and exercises regularly may nevertheless have a maximum hair length of only 30cm or 13 inches if their genes limit active development to just two years.
How can I speed up hair growth after a hair transplant?
Hair growth is determined by genetics, diet, and health conditions, so there are few choices when it comes to speeding up your hair's development. Vitamin supplements, for example, merely assist in growth if a person has an underlying deficiency.
If you have an ailment, your hair might grow faster. In this case, correcting the underlying problem is enough to stimulate hair development.
Treatments like PRP therapy may speed growth after recovery. Patients who undergo hair transplantation frequently choose PRP as a supplement to promote follicular unit recovery. This means that follicular units accelerate rapidly, launching into action sooner than they otherwise would.
How Fast Does Hair Grow After Hair Transplant
How quickly does hair grow after a hair transplant? That is something else entirely. To put it another way, follicular units migrate from one spot to another during surgery. Although this should, in theory, guarantee half an inch of growth within the first month, it does not.
Hair transplantation does not stimulate hair growth in the same manner as it did before. Because the transplantation procedure is quite traumatic for hair follicles, they take some time to acclimate themselves to their new location.
Hair growth after surgery
Immediately following surgery, the only visible difference is the hairline's outline, which was discussed and consented to before the operation began. The hairline is a visual signal that clearly distinguishes the premises from external elements. It can provide a subtle assumption and a vague forecast of hair development.
The scalp would look like a boring canvas of blood clots and scabs, except for rare circumstances. However, after one night, most hair transplant clinics, at least the Luviacure Clinic, provide a clinical washing treatment that gently removes stubborn clots and scabs using specialized products. Patients should not notice any further changes from this point forward for two weeks.
Your surgeon will give you a medical treatment package of products and medicines for healing, as well as instructions on how to use them if you experience pain, discomfort, or other signs of rehabilitation. In general, the symptoms begin to lessen gradually throughout this time; the peak of suffering is usually seen during the first few days.
Hair transplant timeline after two weeks
During this time, people will notice hair loss, an average side effect of growth that is notorious for fanning the flames of anxiety and dread. Hair shedding will likely increase at this period, and it is critical to note that the hair structure is only shed while the essential portion, the follicular root, remains intact and safe.
Shedding will make way for the formation of stronger, healthier hair structures, resulting in less shedding. From two weeks to a month, no further significant changes are expected.
Hair growth four months after hair transplant
Because it lacks strength, however, the hair that was lost will not penetrate the scalp and will instead cause folliculitis, an inflammatory disease of the scalp. Within days, the acne is likely to fade. If the pain is severe, you may go to your local pharmacy for brief therapies.
Some people might confuse folliculitis for an infection. However, to avoid any confusion, infection would come with additional symptoms of inflammation that would progressively worsen over time. Infection and its signs, on the other hand, will improve in 10 days.
Hair growth eight months after hair transplant
The hair will begin to develop faster between the fourth and eighth months, at a level of density that has not previously been seen. Color-treated hair can appear brittle and lack pigment at first, but as the structure of the hair improves in terms of pigmentation and strength, so will its appearance.
How fast does hair grow – 12 months after
Hair development will accelerate past the eight-month mark, and hair growth will become more apparent. After a year, there will be no further significant adjustments. By that time, you'll be able to observe the surgery's outcomes. Minor modifications may continue for a few months afterwards.
The hair development timeline after Luviacure Turkey hair transplantation is straightforward. The transplanted hair will start to fall out during the first two weeks. However, this is not a cause for worry. Regrowth will begin shortly after and might cause folliculitis around the four-month mark. This will fade with time, too, and after four months of surgery, brittle unpigmented hair will take its place. Hair will gradually strengthen and darken in colour until around eight months after surgery. It's also when the patient can first observe the final hair development pattern. By 12 months, all significant modifications will have come to a halt, and the final result should be a full head of hair. If you're looking for high-quality hair transplant solutions, don't hesitate to contact Luviacure Clinic! We offer consultations and advanced treatment options that will meet any need.